Dogs are welcome at Coulscott House - Dog Policy

At Coulscott we are extremely dog friendly. We are very happy to welcome well behaved dogs. To ensure that everyone, dog owners and non dog owners alike, can have a fun filled holiday we ask you to follow a few simple rules (which can be found at the bottom of the page).

Your dog can be let off the lead to explore our 5 acre dog field, provided they are under your control.

We have holiday dog tags for you to use. If your dog runs off while you are here then our contact details will be on the tag.

Coulscott and North Devon are perfect for your doggy holiday. There are plenty of dog walks and dog friendly attractions for you to explore. You can see more Here:

Dog Friendly Stays

To make your dog’s stay as comfortable and fun as possible we provide the following:

Bringing a dog – Dog Policy terms and conditions

We love dogs. We like dogs coming to stay. Not all dogs are suitable for Coulscott, so we don’t always take them. We must protect the interests of other people staying with us and protect Coulscott itself, as outlined in the Dog Policy.


When the dogs are here


If this all sounds a bit formal don’t worry too much. If you are a considerate, well-trained owner everything will be fine!

Make your booking here.

Dog friendly North Devon